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Monday, October 27, 2014

You Can and You Are

When the boy was in the NICU, I had a 20-30 minute drive to and from the hospital each day. The first week we were able to board at the hospital, but after that, we had to go back and forth. I made sure I got there each morning before rounds, stayed for the day, then headed home before rush hour. The honey-bunch would head over after work and take the evening shift.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Welcome to the Club (You Never Wanted to Join)

I participate in a Facebook group to support other parents of children with Chromosome 6 Disorders. Last night, a mom of a newly diagnosed baby girl posted a note of thanks to us for our support, but also said, "Our daughter is only 7 weeks so I am a bit terrified when thinking into the future and the unknown. There is never anything good I read about the c6 abnormalities so I am feeling like this is a family I really don't care to be a part of."

This is my (slightly edited) response to her, and I wanted to share it with others who might be  facing this same uncertainty.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Twenty Years

I'm heading back to my hometown today for my 20-year high school reunion. Thanks to the wonders of Facebook and the Internet, I've reconnected with friends I honestly never thought I would talk to again, and seeing them in person will actually be really fun… or at least I think it will be.