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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Caring About Rare

Today is Rare Disease Day in the United States and much of the world. The day recognizes the millions living with conditions that don’t get as much attention, and in turn, funding, as those that affect more people. The idea is that alone, we are rare, but together, we have hope.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Almost Eight Years in the Making... Finally!

The Boy will be eight-years-old in May. And for almost eight years, I have been thinking about this blog. Something happens, and I think, "This would be a great blog post". Sometimes I record the idea in a voice memo. Other times, I jot it down in a notebook. (Not a specific notebook, but any notebook I can find.) Others I've sat at the computer and typed out an actual post-able entry. But the blog did not exist... until today. Welcome to Destiny Laughed.